They All Saw a Cat (2017)

They All Saw a Cat poster

Weston Woods Studios, Inc.
Narrated by:
 John Lithgow
Directed by: Ed Mironiuk, Kris Tercek

Synopsis: An animated version of Brendan Wenzel’s book finds various creatures looking at the same cat from various points of view.

Cartoon Cat: A very sweet film version of the children’s book in which a child first sees a cat, followed by many other animals such as a fox, a bee, a flea, a fish and a bird. Each one sees the cat in a completely different and unique way.

They All Saw a Cat - tabby cat walking with bell on collar

They All Saw a Cat - tabby cat rubbing against child's legs

They All Saw a Cat - tabby cat running away through field

They All Saw a Cat - goldfish looking at large eyes of tabby cat

They All Saw a Cat - a bee looking at a tabby cat

They All Saw a Cat - tabby cat from flea's point of view

They All Saw a Cat - a compilation of the tabby cat looking like different things

Final Mewsings: Cats are wonderful no matter how you look at them!

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