Walt Disney Productions
Narrated by: Vincent Price
Directed by: Tim Burton
Synopsis: A delightfully dark stop-motion animated classic from the brilliant mind of Tim Burton. Vincent Malloy is a seven-year-old boy who likes to pretend he is Vincent Price, ultimately losing himself in his tormented, twisted daydreams.
Kitty Cameos: The film starts with a black cat appearing from behind a tree beside a wall.
The cat leaps to the top of the wall and follows the sound of music playing through an open window. The cat jumps to the windowsill and them down into the room where Vincent is playing a recorder or fife.
The cat rubs up against him and Vincent picks him up as Vincent Price explains via narration how Vincent imagines himself to be Vincent Price.
Vincent undergoes a metamorphosis to look like Price. When the cat notices he screeches, arches his back and runs away.
When Vincent leaves the room we see his dog, little sister and two cats sitting in the other room.
Final Mewsings: When your imagination scares cats it’s time to fantasize about something else!
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