Narcos – “Descenso”

Original Air Date: August 28, 2015

Directed by: José Padilha

This review contains Kitty Carnage Warnings!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for some episodes of the series!

Synopsis: DEA agent Steve Murphy (Boyd Holbrook) is assigned to track down the drug dealers, particularly Pablo Escabar (Wagner Moura), who are sending cocaine from Columbia to Miami

Kitty Cameo: At the end of the episode Steve and his wife Connie (Joanna Christie) are boarding a plane to Columbia. Connie is bringing her calico cat Puff with them in a carrier.

Narcos - Descenso - calico cat Puff in carrier

In the next episode, The Sword of Simón Bolivar, Steve and his wife are held up in customs in Columbia because they don’t have the proper papers for Puff. Actually this is just a stalling tactic so the airline workers can get information about the DEA agent to Pablo.

Narcos - The Sword of Simón Bolivar - calico cat Puff in carrier

Kitty Carnage Warning! Unfortunately for Puff, she is found hung in the Murphy’s apartment. In the third episode, The Man of Always, Steve and his partner Javier Peña (Pedro Pascal) spend much of the episode trying to track down Puff’s killer.

Narcos - The Man of Always - Javier Peña Pedro Pascal looking at Polaroid of calico cat Puff hanging

Slight Kitty Carnage Warning! At the end of the episode, Alberto Suarez (Julián Beltrán), the double agent who works with both the DEA and Escobar, carries a knapsack from which he pulls a Siamese cat by the scruff. He offers the cat as a present to Steve’s wife. Steve quickly declines the gift and Peña tells Suarez he is crazy before they leave.

Narcos - The Man of Always - Alberto Suarez Julián Beltrán holding up Siamese cat by scruff
Narcos - The Man of Always - Alberto Suarez Julián Beltrán holding up Siamese cat by scruff

Final Mewsings: We still want justice for Puff!

Many thanks to sis Cyn and Nick Wale for letting us know about the cats in these episodes.

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