Malice (1993)

Directed by: Harold Becker

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Happily married couple Andy (Bill Pullman) and Tracy Safien (Nicole Kidman) take Dr. Jed Hill (Alec Baldwin) in as a border while a killer stalks the college campus where Andy works.

Kitty Cameo: At the beginning of the film, a college student named Brigette Kelly (Sara Melson) is riding home on a bicycle. Once home she enters and calls for her cat, Little Ricky, to be fed. Even with the promise of Liver Buffet, the tabby is sitting under a wicker chair and won’t come to her.

Malice - tabby cat Little Ricky sitting under chair

Brigette approaches Little Ricky with his food bowl and asks what he’s doing under there while the cat makes nervous noises.

Malice - tabby cat Little Ricky sitting under chair as Brigette approaches
Malice - tabby cat Little Ricky sitting under chair

Unfortunately a serial rapist jumps Brigette from behind and pulls her off her feet as Little Ricky lets out a Poor Cat Screech (dubbed, of course) and runs away.

Malice - tabby cat Little Ricky meowing under chair
Malice - tabby cat Little Ricky extreme close up
Malice - tabby cat Little Ricky under chair trying to warn Brigette Sara Melson before rapist grabs her animated gif

Final Mewsings: Why don’t people listen when their cats they try to warn them?

Many thanks to Nick Wale and Mark Murton for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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