That Girl – “The Detective Story”

Original Air Date: March 14, 1968

Directed by: Hal Cooper

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!

Synopsis: After receiving scary obscene phone calls, Ann (Marlo Thomas) enlists the aid of Detective Sergeant Ray Mandel (Hal Buckley) which does not please her jealous boyfriend Donald (Ted Bessell).

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Ann is sleeping in her bedroom with Donald and Detective Mandel in the living room when she hears a noise on the fire escape and sees a shadow. She gets Mandel in the bedroom and Donald follows without their knowing, scaring Ann in the dark and leading to a scuffle. Donald ends up handcuffed and Mandel looks on the fire escape. He announces it is a peeping Tom and comes back in holding a chonky ginger tabby cat.

That Girl - The Detective Story - Detective Sergeant Ray Mandel Hal Buckley holding large ginger tabby cat
That Girl - The Detective Story - Detective Sergeant Ray Mandel Hal Buckley holding large ginger tabby cat

Ann and Donald look surprised at the sight of the feline.

That Girl - The Detective Story - Detective Sergeant Ray Mandel Hal Buckley holding large ginger tabby cat
That Girl - The Detective Story - Detective Sergeant Ray Mandel Hal Buckley picking up large ginger tabby cat to the surprise of Ann Marlo Thomas and Donald Ted Bessell animated gif

Final Mewsings: We’d accept a chonky tom cat intruder any time!

Many thanks to Laurie Morrison for letting us know about the cat in this episode.

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