Munster, Go Home! (1966)

Directed by: Earl Bellamy

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoiler for this film!

Synopsis: After learning about an inheritance, the Munster family travels to England to claim their estate.

Kitty Cameo: Arriving in England by ship, the family stands on the dock with Grandpa (Al Lewis), who changed into a wolf during the voyage. Herman (Fred Gwynne) complains that Grandpa will probably never change back to his normal form. A black cat meows nearby.

Munster, Go Home! - black cat crouching
Munster, Go Home! - black cat looking to one side

Grandpa takes off as the wolf and chases the cat behind some crates. When Grandpa emerges from the other side he has changed back to himself. He runs headfirst into some crates then breaks the fourth wall by saying to the camera, “What’s going on here? Last thing I remember I was on board ship . . . now I’m on the docks in England chasing a cat!”

Munster, Go Home! - black cat running behind crates
Munster, Go Home! - black cat running from behind crates
Munster, Go Home! - black cat being chased by wolf who turns back into Grandpa Al Lewis animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t like being chased by wolves or vampires.

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