Las Vegas Hillbillys (1966)

Directed by: Arthur C. Pierce

Synopsis: A hillbilly named Woody Wetherby (Ferlin Husky) inherits a Las Vegas casino and travels across country only to find a heapful of trouble.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): As Ferlin and his buddy Jeepers (Don Bowman) are driving to Vegas through the desert when they come upon a woman standing next to a large convertible. She is Tawny (Jayne Mansfield), a Vegas star who has run out of gas. She asks them to push her car to a gas station some miles ahead and they comply. Oddly enough when they get to the gas station, Tawny has a white cat in the cat with her, even though it was nowhere to be seen before!

Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield in convertible car with white cat

She asks the attendant to help the boys who pushed her first while she makes a telephone call. She takes the cat with her. The feline is wearing a little pink coat with a flower to match Tawny’s outfit.

Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield exiting convertible car with white cat

Tawny returns to her car and the attendant holds the door open for her. She says she thinks the boys who pushed her had come a long way. The attendant confirms they came from Tennessee and she asks him to charge any costs they incur to her.

Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield carrying white cat to car
Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield carrying white cat to car
Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield carrying white cat to car

While they are talking, the cat is absolutely tripping about something above, very possibly the boom microphone, trying to move away from it. Jayne Mansfield has to pull the cat back up where it can be seen.

Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield with white cat in convertible talking to gas station attendant
Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield with white cat in convertible talking to gas station attendant
Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield with white cat in convertible talking to gas station attendant
Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield with white cat in convertible talking to gas station attendant
Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield with white cat in convertible freaking out about something above while talking to gas station attendant animated gif

The cat is not seen again.

Las Vegas Hillbillys - Tawny Jayne Mansfield with white cat in convertible talking to gas station attendant

Final Mewsings: Cats appear and disappear from movies quite mysteriously!

Many thanks to Nick Wale for letting us know about the cat in this film!

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