A Tale of Five Women (1951)

by Mark Murton

Original Title: A Tale of Five Cities [UK]

Directed by: Emil E. Reinert (Paris segment)

Synopsis: An America-based Englishman, Bob Mitchell (Bonar Colleano), is injured in action during WWII and loses his memory. With no identification and because he talks like an American, he is repatriated to the States. All Bob can recall are five women from various European cities, so a magazine sponsors a trip for him to visit each, hoping he’ll learn crucial details of his identity.

Purr Blur: In Paris, Bob’s search leads him to a barber who then goes to a nearby courtyard and calls up to a woman hanging out washing. On the balcony, outside the railings, a cat runs along the narrow ledge . . .

A Tale of Five Women - cat on outside of balcony railing
A Tale of Five Women - cat walking along outside of balcony railing

. . . before jumping the not inconsiderable distance to the ground.

A Tale of Five Women - cat jumping down from second floor balcony
A Tale of Five Women - Bob Bonar Colleano looking up at second floor balcony where cat is jumping down animated gif

Final Mewsings: Five cities and only one kitty is a poor return.

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