Beside Bowie: The Mick Ronson Story (2017)

by Ted Davis

Directed by: Jon Brewer

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A well-intentioned but disappointing documentary about the remarkable and multi-talented musician Mick Ronson, perhaps best known as David Bowie’s brilliant guitarist during the early 1970s, which encompassed the Ziggy Stardust era.

Reality Cats: While Angie Bowie describes moving in to Haddon Hall, the house she lived in with husband David Bowie and friends, she explained it had been a haven for eighteen cats. A mass of cats is shown nosing about on the concrete (apparent stock footage). Angie then says it took two weeks and probably ten gallons of bleach to clean it up. According to other reports, Haddon Hall had previously been home to two professors and their twenty-eight cats (the number varies depending on the source).

Beside Bowie - numerous tabby cats milling around
Beside Bowie - numerous tabby cats milling around

Final Mewsings: Why buy a house filled with cats if you aren’t going to keep the kitties?

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