Directed by: Henry Koster
Synopsis: An adaptation of the stage musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein. Mei Li (Miyoshi Umeki) arrives in San Francisco from Hong Kong for an arranged marriage to a nightclub owner named Sammy Fong (Jack Soo), not realizing that he has eyes for singer Linda Low (Nancy Kwan).
Purr Blur: With the wedding looming, Sammy tries desperately to dissuade Mei Li from marrying him. As he sings the song Don’t Marry Me, a black cat runs in front of them on an otherwise empty street. Sammy motions to the cat as if this is yet another omen and reason why she should walk away.
Final Mewsings: Even cats can recognize a marriage that is doomed to fail!
Many thanks to John Cawley for letting us know about the cat in this film!
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