Phantom of the Opera (1943)

by Ted Davis

Directed by: Arthur Lubin

Synopsis: The mysterious and shadowy Phantom haunts the winding corridors and numerous levels of the Paris Opera House, wreaking havoc among the choice clientele and artistic talent, but demonstrates a curious and tender devotion to young soprano Christine DuBois (Susanne Foster), even to the extent of committing multiple murders to further her career. Just what is the strange connection between middle-aged nonentity Erique Claudin (Claude Rains), a twenty year veteran of the opera house’s music department, and Christine, who is also the object of intense rivalry between manly baritone Anatole Garron (Nelson Eddy) and slightly less manly Inspector Raoul Dubert (Edgar Barrier)?

Purr Blur: In his dreary garret, from which the neighboring rooftops can be seen, pathetic violinist Erique Claudin suffers to compose a grand concerto, on which he’s pinned all his hopes and dreams. At the same time that Erique sits down to work on his opus, Marie the landlady (Kate Lawson) knocks on the door, and a brown tabby cat pads a few steps on the outside window ledge before jumping down out of view.

Phantom of the Opera - brown tabby cat on windowsill behind Erique Claude Rains
Phantom of the Opera - brown tabby cat jumping down from windowsill behind Erique Claude Rains animated gif

Final Mewsings: The cat probably left the vicinity to avoid such depressing company.

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