Nude for Satan (1974)

by Mark Murton

Original Title: Nuda per Satana

Directed by: Luigi Batzella (as Paolo Solvay)

Synopsis: Driving late at night, Dr. William Benson (Stelio Candelli) stops at a remote castle hoping to get medical help for a woman, Susan Smith (Rita Calderoni), he found injured in a car crash. Here past and present merge as he finds himself in a nightmare world where he encounters his own double along with a double of the woman he rescued, as well as Satan himself.

Kitty Cameo: Susan, recovering from her injuries, awakes from a disturbing dream as the window flies open. She closes it and is about to get back into bed when she hears a cat’s cry and turns to see a longhair black cat sitting on a nearby chair.

Nuda per Satana - Nude for Satan - longhair black cat on chair
Nuda per Satana - Nude for Satan - Susan Rita Calderoni startled by longhair black cat on chair animated gif

“Are you real or are you an illusion too?” she demands of the cat who is looking not at her but straight at the camera. Going over to the cat she picks him up, asking, “How on earth did you get in here? Are you trying to frighten me too, just like everything else?”

Nuda per Satana - Nude for Satan - Susan Rita Calderoni holding longhair black cat

She takes the cat to the door and puts him down on the floor outside the room.

Nuda per Satana - Nude for Satan - Susan Rita Calderoni holding longhair black cat outside door
Nuda per Satana - Nude for Satan - Susan Rita Calderoni holding longhair black cat outside door

The cat isn’t seen again, but after she returns to bed Satan (who dresses like Dracula) approaches her door. Back inside her room, Susan listens as footsteps approach the door, followed by a supposed cat’s cry (like the first one, it sounds much more like a human attempting to sound like a cat). But she seems convinced it is a cat as she contradicts herself with the confusing statement, “Oh, the cat. I won’t let it in or I won’t get any sleep.” So naturally she immediately goes to the door and opens it to find no one there . . . not even the cat.

Final Mewsings: For the sake of the cat actor’s dignity let’s all agree he was just an illusion and definitely didn’t appear in this lamentable excuse for a porn film.

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