Trois petits chats (2003)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: François Vogel

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains MAJOR spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A family of porcelain cats suffer compounding tragedy which leads to a heartbreaking ending.

Cartoon Cats: The short begins with a family of Siamese porcelain cats, a father, a daughter and a small son, standing at the graveside of the mother.

Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - father, daughter and young boy porcelain cats at graveside

The family is in mourning but life goes on. They gather for breakfast.

Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - father, daughter and young boy porcelain cats eating breakfast

The father is often distracted but the children coax him into play.

Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - father, daughter and young boy porcelain cats playing in yard

He reads to them at night.

Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - father, daughter and young boy porcelain cats bedtime story

Unfortunately the daughter develops a bad cough. A doctor is summoned.

Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - father, daughter and young boy porcelain cats with doctor

The doctor notices the girl’s face is cracking and keeps the others away from her. She is placed in quarantine in the hospital.

Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - daughter porcelain cat with face cracking

The father is distressed, unable to comfort his daughter.

Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - father and young boy porcelain cats at breakfast
Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - father and young boy porcelain cats looking at daughter in hospital quarantine

Unable to stand it, the father sets down his son and rushes into his daughter’s room to be with her as she passes. Unfortunately his face also starts to crack.

Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - father holding daughter porcelain cats in quarantine hospital room
Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - father and daughter porcelain cats with faces cracked

The final scene of this short is both startling and heartbreaking.

Trois Petits Chats - Three Little Cats - young boy porcelain cat alone at breakfast table

Final Mewsings: Porcelain cats lead delicate lives.

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