Colgate Theatre – “The Fountain of Youth”

by Linda Kay

Original Air Date: September 16, 1958

Directed by: Orson Welles

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!

Synopsis: In this pilot episode for a proposed Desilu series by the famed director (which never materialized), couple Caroline (Joi Lansing) and Alan (Rick Jason) seek to obtain a youth serum from Dr. Baxter (Dan Tobin), but of course there is a catch.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): When the couple visit the doctor’s lab he decides to tell them about his discovery. He picks up an adorable longhair bicolor kitten which he presents to Caroline.

Colgate Theatre - The Fountain of Youth - Dr. Baxter Dan Tobin holding longhair bicolor tabby kitten

“Oh, a little kitten cat!” she cooes before asking what the kitten has to do with his discovery.

Colgate Theatre - The Fountain of Youth - Caroline Joi Lansing holding longhair bicolor tabby kitten with Alan Rick Jason
Colgate Theatre - The Fountain of Youth - Caroline Joi Lansing holding longhair bicolor tabby kitten

Dr. Baxter explains the kitten is actually five years old, which makes Caroline scream and drop the poor thing to the floor. The doctor goes on to explain the kitten will remain young for another sixty years but that the serum is derived from humans and is fatal to extract.

Colgate Theatre - The Fountain of Youth - Caroline Joi Lansing holding longhair bicolor tabby kitten
Colgate Theatre - The Fountain of Youth - longhair bicolor tabby kitten on floor
Colgate Theatre - The Fountain of Youth - Caroline Joi Lansing startled by longhair bicolor tabby kitten which she drops and Dr. Baxter Dan Tobin animated gif

Final Mewsings: Forever kittens or a few human lives . . . that’s a no brainer!

Many thanks to Wahrhaftig for letting us know about the kitten in this episode.

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