Mother Mack’s Puppies Find Happy Homes (1953)

by Linda Kay

Synopsis: A Scottish Terrier named Mother Mack gives birth to a litter of puppies who need to find new homes.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The neighbor, Mr. Connover, comes over to pick out one of the puppies. He finally chooses and names her Tammy, taking her to his home where his longhair black cat Hannah lives. Hannah and the new puppy are shown hanging out on a lawn chair together.

Mother Mack's Puppies Find Happy Homes - longhair black cat Hannah on lawn chair with Scottish terrier puppy Tammy
Mother Mack's Puppies Find Happy Homes - longhair black cat Hannah on lawn chair with Scottish terrier puppy Tammy
Mother Mack's Puppies Find Happy Homes - longhair black cat Hannah on lawn chair with Scottish terrier puppy Tammy
Mother Mack's Puppies Find Happy Homes - longhair black cat Hannah on lawn chair with Scottish terrier puppy Tammy

Another puppy named Jiggs goes to live with a woman named Mrs. Shanks and her longhair gray and white cat Puss ‘n Boots.

Mother Mack's Puppies Find Happy Homes - Mrs. Shanks on porch step with grey and white longhair cat Puss 'n Boots
Mother Mack's Puppies Find Happy Homes - grey and white longhair cat Puss 'n Boots

Mrs. Shanks gives Puss ‘n Boots loving pats on the head.

Mother Mack's Puppies Find Happy Homes - grey and white longhair cat Puss 'n Boots being petted
Mother Mack's Puppies Find Happy Homes - grey and white longhair cat Puss 'n Boots being petted

Final Mewsings: It might be a happy home for the dogs but the cats look less than thrilled.

Many thanks to A/V Geeks for making this film available to view.

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