Nel nome del padre (1971)

by Linda Kay

Title Translation: In the Name of the Father

Directed by: Marco Bellocchio

Synopsis: The juvenile residents of a religious boarding school are in a state of rebellion which is escalated with the arrival of the wealthy and insubordinate Angelo Transeunti (Yves Beneyton).

Kitty Cameos: During Christmas break, Angelo and fellow students Camma (Marco Romizi) and Franco (Aldo Sassi) visit the latter’s home where they discuss their political feelings behind closed doors. Franco’s mother (Laura Betti) is convinced the boys are committing sinful acts in the room and keeps sneaking close to listen while three Siamese cats observe her from a nearby table.

Nel nome del padre - In the Name of the Father - three Siamese cats sitting on table as mother Laura Betti approaches door
Nel nome del padre - In the Name of the Father - three Siamese cats sitting on table as mother Laura Betti approaches door

When the mother starts pounding on the door demanding to know what is going on inside, the frightened cats scatter.

Nel nome del padre - In the Name of the Father - Siamese cats running off table as mother Laura Betti pounds on door
Nel nome del padre - In the Name of the Father - Angelo Yves Beneyton, Camma Marco Romizi and Franco Also Sassi reacting to Siamese cats running off table as mother Laura Betti pounds on door animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats may be curious but not as insistent as meddling mothers.

Many thanks to Celia for letting us know about the cats in this film.

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