Another Case of Poisoning (1949)

by Ted Davis

Directed by: John Waterhouse

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film.

Synopsis: Made with the assistance of The Ministry of Health, this public service short film addresses what appears to be a rampant lack of hygiene among the British populace, some combination of which caused poor Albert Norris (Gus McNaughton) to be hospitalized with a virulent case of food poisoning.

Kitty Cameo: Local butcher Mr. Jones (John Warren) is a very decent chap (and I quote), even with the blood flecked apron which probably hasn’t been laundered in weeks, but he uses a dirty knife to slice the corned beef which Mrs. Norris (Thelma Ray) purchases to make Albert’s breakfast rissole and wraps the fare in newspaper upon which the shop cat, a long haired black and white model, has been sitting.

Another Case of Poisoning - longhair white cat with black markings on newspapers under counter
Another Case of Poisoning - Mr. Jones butcher getting newspaper sheet from under longhair white cat with black markings under counter animated gif

Final Mewsings: Shop cats are always welcome, but use common sense around foodstuffs.

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