A Little Princess (1995)

Directed by: Alfonso Cuarón

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Sara Crewe (Liesel Matthews) is a young girl whose life goes from riches to rags when her father is presumed dead fighting in World War I leaving her at the mercy of a sadistic boarding school matron named Miss Minchin (Eleanor Bron).

Kitty Cameo: Sara is forced into laboring for the school to pay her board. She is taking out the garbage when a young chimney sweep (Jonás Cuarón) is being thrown out by Miss Minchin for getting soot all over her boots. A ginger tabby cat is sitting on a garbage can nearby, also covered in dirt.

A Little Princess - ginger tabby cat sitting on garbage can in alley with Sara Liesel Matthews
A Little Princess - ginger tabby cat preening behing Sara Liesel Matthews in alley

The boy repeatedly tried to re-enter the school for his pay but is tossed out by Miss Minchin each time. The cat continues to sit on the can, cleaning itself and not concerned with the nearby drama.

A Little Princess - ginger tabby cat sitting on garbage can in alley with Sara Liesel Matthews as chimney sweep Jonás Cuarón is being thrown out
A Little Princess - ginger tabby cat sitting on garbage can in alley with Sara Liesel Matthews
A Little Princess - ginger tabby cat in alley with Sara Liesel Matthews as chimney sweep Jonás Cuarón is being thrown out by Miss Minchin Eleanor Bron animated gif

Final Mewsings: Fastidious cats should not hang around chimney sweeps.

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