Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A mother plans a surprise birthday party for her daughter, Jean.
Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Mom sends Jean and her brother Frank to the store to pick up a package while she arranges the party in the backyard. She has a bunch of Jean’s friends hide around the yard to surprise her. She even instructs Jean’s white longhair cat Fluff to hide.

After opening presents and cutting the cake, Mother brings out a tray of ice cream. She also brings a cat dish with ice cream in it and a sign that reads “Fluff.” “‘Will Fluff like that!’ says Jean,” the narrator enthuses, “‘Boy oh boy!'” Jean sets the bowl down on the ground and Fluff comes over to eat.

One of the most hilarious things about this short is the person dubbing in the meows for Fluff. Let’s just say they won’t be winning any cat impersonation contests any time soon. The sign for Fluff is also pretty ridiculous. We hope one of the kids wrote it. If not, Jean’s mother has dyslexia. And who exactly is the sign for? The kids, so they won’t accidentally eat out of the cat’s bowl? Jean’s mom, so she won’t forget that dish is for the cat? Or Fluffy, who can’t read anyway?

Final Mewsings: Jean’s going to have an even bigger surprise when Fluff has diahrrea.
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