by Brian H.
Also Known As: Across the Sea of Time: New York 3D
Directed by: Stephen Low
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Created for IMAX theaters. Thomas Minton (Peter Reznick), an eleven year old Russian boy, arrives in New York City in 1995 intending to look for possible family members. A voice reads parts of Leopold’s letters while Thomas wanders around New York City looking at the sights and comparing the 1916 stereoscopic photographs to modern views of the same places.
Purr Blur: During his wanderings, Thomas passes “Pete’s Bar” and looks in the window. A calico cat appears inside the bar walking on top of a piano. The cat then jumps onto a table. The bartender directs Thomas to a house two blocks away where he meets his relative’s wife who introduces him to other family members.

Final Mewsings: Bar cats show us the way to go home.
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