by Linda Kay
Directed by: Joanna Quinn
This review contains a Severe Kitty Carnage Warning!
Synopsis: A woman named Beryl (Menna Trussler) recounts how she became an artist later in life by recalling bizarre family incidents throughout the years.
Cartoon Cats: Beryl is talking about her son Colin’s obsession with a rescued pigeon. He is horrified to come home one day to find one of the neighbor’s cats has bitten the bird’s head off.

Seeking revenge, Colin fashions a homemade crossbow and practices shooting at the neighbor’s wall. Then he lies in wait until the cat passes.

Severe Kitty Carnage Warning! Colin shoots the cat who falls in the midst of the neighbor lady who is feeding a bunch of cats in her yard. The woman calls the police but they dismiss the incident as a “crime of passion.”

We seriously debated about including this rather disturbing short film, not only because of this disgusting scene with the cat but because of other unbelievable animal abuse it includes. Yes, it’s for adults. Yes, we understand dark quirky humor. But sorry, this one goes way too far and really seems to be going for laughs in such scenes. A shame since the animation is extremely lovely. But this is really more of an alert to stay away from this one if you love animals!!
Final Mewsings: Cats should never be punished for being cats!
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