American Housewife – “Grandma’s Way”

Original Air Date: April 23, 2019
Directed by: Paul Murphy

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!

Synopsis: Katie (Katy Mixon) gets sick right before Anna-Kat’s playdate so her mom Kathryn (Wendie Malick) steps in to run the household.

Featured Feline: Kathryn is thrilled when Dan, her former beau who appeared on an episode earlier in the season, pays a visit. He is carrying the ginger tabby cat Mittens.

American Housewife - Grandma's Way - Dan Gregory Harrison in doorway holding ginger tabby cat Mittens

It turns out that Dan’s parents have both died since their last visit and they left everything to their cats but made Dan the executor of the will so, as Dan says, “The cats just bought a new place in Aspen.”

American Housewife - Grandma's Way - Dan Gregory Harrison holding ginger tabby cat Mittens

While Kathryn and Dan are visiting, Mittens walks into Oliver’s (Daniel DiMaggio) room while he is reconnecting with Gina (Nikki Hahn). Gina asks if they have a cat and Oliver says it’s possible, that they had a pig for a while.

American Housewife - Grandma's Way - ginger tabby cat Mittens entering bedroom and approaching Oliver Daniel DiMaggio and Gina Nikki Hahn
American Housewife - Grandma's Way - ginger tabby cat Mittens on bed between Oliver Daniel DiMaggio and Gina Nikki Hahn

Oliver brings the cat down and sees Kathryn with Dan. Oliver takes offense that his grandmother seems to be flirting with Dan when she is married.

American Housewife - Grandma's Way - Oliver Daniel DiMaggio holding ginger tabby cat Mittens behind Kathryn Wendie Malick and Dan Gregory Harrison

Eventually Oliver makes Kathryn see what she is doing is wrong and she sends the very wealthy and loving Dan away, along with Mittens.

American Housewife - Grandma's Way - Dan Gregory Harrison holding up ginger tabby cat Mittens
American Housewife - Grandma's Way - Kathryn Wendie Malick turning down Dan Gregory Harrison holding ginger tabby cat Mittens with Oliver Daniel DiMaggio
American Housewife - Grandma's Way - Dan Gregory Harrison walking to door with ginger tabby cat Mittens

Final Mewsings: A rich man with cats would be hard to turn away.

Many thanks to Fritz for letting us know about the cat in this episode!

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