Any Rags (1932)

Directed by: Dave Fleischer

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Bimbo the Rag Man makes his musical rounds in Betty Boop’s neighborhood, collecting rags and trash for resale.

Cartoon Cats: A woman is hanging her wash (along with several other odd items) on her clothesline. She grabs her cat and hangs him with a clothespin by the tail to the line. The cat meows in protest and in tune.

Babe - woman hanging cartoon cat on clothesline
Babe - woman moving cartoon cat on clothesline

Bimbo is on the other side of the line collecting the items. When the cat arrives, he watches as the kitty is pulled through the pully and heads back again, meowing lowly in tune.

Babe - cartoon cat on clothesline moving toward Bimbo
Babe - cartoon cat on clothesline moving past Bimbo
Babe - cartoon cat on clothesline moving away from Bimbo

Later a group of cats jump onto Bimbo’s cart.

Babe - cartoon cat running toward cart
Babe - cartoon cats running toward cart

There they dance with sardines (presumably from the sardine cans Bimbo has been collecting). One cat catches the sardines between slices of bread and hands them out to other cats.

Babe - cartoon cats dancing with sardines while one cat makes sandwiches

When Bimbo returns and wheels away the cart, the sardines continue to dance while the cats beat out rhythm with their tails.

Babe - cartoon cats dancing with sardines on cart

One cat gets up and blows a solo on a horn.

Babe - cartoon cat blowing horn on cart with other cats
Babe - cartoon cat blowing horn on cart with other cats

The horn then shoots bullets, for some odd reason.

Babe - cartoon cat holding horn as bullets shoot out

As a crowd gathers to watch Bimbo sell his gathered goods, a cat tries to pick the pocket of a spectator.

Babe - cartoon cat about to pick a pocket
Babe - cartoon cat reaching into back pocket

When he pulls his hands out they are handcuffed. Turns out his victim was a police officer!

Babe - cartoon cat with hands in handcuffs and policeman turning

Final Mewsings: Cats love the rag man and rag music!

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