Bat Masterson – “The Romany Knives”

by Brian H

Original Air Date: July 22, 1959

Directed by: Walter Doniger

Synopsis: In Dodge City, Kansas, the dapper Western gambler and lawman Bat Masterson (Gene Barry) rescues a young woman from a Gypsy (Romany) tribe when he discovers that she is not a Gypsy and will inherit $50,000 when she turns 21 years old.

Kitty Cameo: At the beginning of the program a longhair black and white “tuxedo” cat appears on a street in front of a Western town set while the narrator states “Dodge City, Kansas. During his colorful career in the brawling West, Bat Masterson saved more lives than he was forced to take.”

Bat Masterson - Romany Knives - longhair tuxedo cat close to camera in front of town
Bat Masterson - Romany Knives - longhair tuxedo cat close to camera in front of town

The cat does not appear in the rest of the episode.

Bat Masterson - Romany Knives - longhair tuxedo cat close to camera in front of town animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cat Masterson?

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