by Ted Davis
Original Air Dates: March 16, 1966 / March 17, 1966
Directed by: James Sheldon
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for these episodes!
Synopsis: In this two-part episode, the malign and magnificent Catwoman (Julie Newmar) makes her first appearance on the series, and enacts a deliciously devious and knotty scheme to recover a mysterious lost treasure. Can the Dynamic Duo, Batman (Adam West) and Robin (Burt Ward), unravel her nefarious plot and thwart their feline nemesis?
Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): At the beginning of The Purr-fect Crime it is midnight in Gotham City at the Gotham City Art Museum. A black cat with Cat-a-claw treated claws attacks the security guard and renders him unconscious, necessary for the theft of a priceless golden cat statue.

The next morning brings a surprise present to the office of Commissioner Gordon (Neil Hamilton) in the form of a little gray and white kitten with a newspaper clipping tucked into its collar. Initially delighted with the kitten, Gordon cradles it in his hands while Chief O’Hara (Stafford Repp) reads the clue.

In her fur warehouse hideout, which abounds with cat statuary and imagery (the place is even named Gato and Chat), Catwoman totes the black cat on her hip.

The cat slips to floor as she meets with intimidated henchmen Leo (Jock Mahoney) and Felix (Ralph Manza). Leo holds the not entirely comfortable cat for several moments before handing it back to Catwoman.

At the end of the scene, Felix toddles off with the cat in his arms.

That night, as Batman and Robin set a trap in the museum, the black cat emerges from a sarcophagus and zonks the Boy Wonder with the same treatment previously given to the guard.

The latter stages of the episode Better Luck Next Time take place in a dark subterranean cave populated by numerous stalagmites and stalactites. It is there where Catwoman and Leo locate the elusive booty of pirate Captain Manx. While discussing their plans for the treasure of a dozen galleons, Leo holds the appreciably more comfortable cat.

After Catwoman falls victim to her own greed (and also falls into a bottomless chasm), Batman and Robin find the meowing and newly-ownerless black cat in a nearby passage.

Robin picks up the cat as Batman theorizes that Catwoman may still live, referencing the known fact that cats have nine lives.

In stately Wayne Manor, the hooligan rescued cat makes its presence known by tormenting Aunt Harriett (Madge Blake) and raiding the larder for lobster.

As Aunt Harriett vents about the infernal heathen cat, Dick Grayson (Robin’s civilian guise) explains that the cat comes from a broken home.

During the scene, the cat is passed from Aunt Harriett to Bruce Wayne (Batman’s civilian guise) to Alfred (Alan Napier) and finally to Dick, who brings the cat up to his cheek.

Julie Newmar was the first actress to play Catwoman in the series.

Final Mewsings: Danger! Miscreant pussy cats have no shame!
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