Battleship Potemkin (1925)

by Linda Kay

Original Title: Bronenosets Potemkin

Directed by: Sergei Eisenstein

Synopsis: Eisenstein’s striking depiction of the historic mutiny, brought about by poor food quality as well as other maltreatment of the ship’s crew, which leads to a horrific massacre of protestors on the steps of Odessa.

Kitty Cameo: At the beginning of Act Three, the body of Grigory Vakulinchuk (Aleksandr Antonov), who was killed during the mutiny on the ship, is laid on the dock at Odessa. As people begin to gather to view the body, two men are fishing nearby. A small white cat is sitting between them.

Battleship Potemkin - white cat sitting between two men fishing off dock
Battleship Potemkin - white cat sitting between two men fishing off dock
Battleship Potemkin - white cat sitting between two men fishing off dock animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats have been known to protest over poor food quality.

Many thanks to Melanie for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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