Starring: Chai
Directed by: Lori Evans Taylor
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains MAJOR spoilers for the end of this film!
Synopsis: Pregnant Julie Rivers (Melissa Barrera) moves into a new home with her husband Daniel (Guy Burnet) when an accident forces her into bed rest and strange things begin to happen.
Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The couple own a seal point Ragdoll cat named Lou who is first seen sitting on some boxes in the bedroom.

Lou walks around the couple as they sit on their bed.

Later Julie sees Lou sniffing outside the bathroom which has been sealed off with plastic. The cat gets startled by something and scurries away.

Julie plays with Lou from her bed during a quick scene in a montage of her newfound confinement.

While trying to see if anything is moving in the baby’s supposedly empty nursery through a remote camera, Julie is startled by Lou jumping up in front of the lens in a classic Spring Loaded Cat moment.

In another scene, Julie is lying in bed when a ball rolls out from beneath. Believing it to be Lou under the bed, she uses her grabber stick to bat the ball back under. It rolls out again and she hits it back, then notices Lou walking across the room and nowhere near the bed.

Seeing an eye under the bed and then hearing footsteps running away, Julie notices that Lou seems to hear and see the apparition as well.

Late in the film, Lou is sitting on the bed with Julie but beats a hasty retreat when things start to get way too scary.

Lou doesn’t show up again until the very end scene where the happy family is gathered.

Lou was played by cat actor Chai. The Animal Coordinator on the film was Courtney Voth with Tamara Hupalo acting as Animal Wrangler working for Animal Actors of Manitoba.

Final Mewsings: Lou lives!
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