Blindsided (2013)

Original Title: Penthouse North

Directed by: Joseph Ruben

This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains MAJOR spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Sara (Michelle Monaghan) is a blind photographer who has to fight for her life when thugs invade her penthouse apartment looking for something that was stolen from them.

Featured Feline: Sara and her boyfriend Ryan (Andrew W. Walker) own a female black cat named Shadow. Ryan picks up and holds Shadow in an early scene.

Blindsided - Ryan Andrew W. Walker holding black cat Shadow
Blindsided - black cat Shadow being picked up and held by Ryan Andrew W. Walker animated gif

When Sara returns home and picks up Shadow before walking into the kitchen.

Blindsided - Sara Michelle Monaghan carrying black cat Shadow

Being blind, she doesn’t see that Ryan is lying dead on the floor in a pool of blood. Shadow just seems mildly confused.

Blindsided - black cat Shadow sitting on kitchen floor near dead body
Blindsided - black cat Shadow and Sara in kitchen with dead body
Blindsided - black cat Shadow and Sara in kitchen with dead body animated gif

A ruthless man named Hollander (Michael Keaton) and his partner Chad (Barry Sloane) threaten Sara, demanding to know where their stolen goods are. Sara repeatedly tells them she doesn’t know. Hollander notices the cat and picks her up, asking her name. “Shadow,” Sara replies.

Blindsided - black cat Shadow sitting on floor
Blindsided - black cat Shadow being held by Hollander Michael Keaton
Blindsided - black cat Shadow being held

Later on the deck of the penthouse, Hollander picks up Shadow again. He starts walking to the side and Sara protests. Hollander assures her that he is a cat lover.

Blindsided - black cat Shadow sitting on deck
Blindsided - black cat Shadow being held
Blindsided - black cat Shadow being picked up from deck animated gif
Blindsided - black cat Shadow being held by Hollander Michael Keaton

Hollander plays with Shadow near the edge, causing Sara to plead for her life. He keeps insisting he has no sinister purpose in mind but asks again where his diamonds are. Sara says she doesn’t know.

Blindsided - black cat Shadow being held by Hollander Michael Keaton
Blindsided - black cat Shadow being held by Hollander Michael Keaton

Kitty Carnage Warning! Finally Hollander sighs and throws Shadow over the side of the building. Even Chad is shocked, saying that was f**ked up.

Blindsided - black cat Shadow being thrown over side of building by Hollander Michael Keaton
Blindsided - Sara Michelle Monaghan being held back by Chad Barry Sloane as Hollander Michael Keaton throws black cat Shadow off side of building animated gif

But all is not lost! Eventually Hollander also goes over the side and in the final shot we see his body lying below. That’s when Shadow, who somehow survived the fall, walks out and across him before moving on.

Blindsided - black cat Shadow walking across Hollander Michael Keaton dead body
Blindsided - black cat Shadow walking past Hollander Michael Keaton dead body
Blindsided - black cat Shadow walking past Hollander Michael Keaton dead body animated gif

The cat wrangler on the film was James Lovisek (who sadly passed in 2017).

Blindsided - black cat Shadow meowing on floor

Final Mewsings: A good movie ending is when the cat lives!

Many thanks to Mark Murton for reminding us of the cat in this film.

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