Walking and Talking (1996)

Channel Four Films Starring: Catherine Keener, Anne Heche Also Starring: Spatz Directed by: Nicole Holofcener Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Two life-long girlfriends and former roommates, Amelia (Catherine Keener) and Laura (Anne Heche), find their lives are taking different paths and it’s questionable if their friendship can remain as […]

Zazie dans le métro (1960)

English title: Zazie in the Metro Nouvelles Éditions de Films (NEF) Starring: Catherine Demongeot, Philippe Noiret, Vittorio Caprioli Directed by: Louis Malle Synopsis: A zany, fast-paced comical romp from director Louis Malle follows a little girl named Zazie (Catherine Demongeot) as she visits her Uncle Gabriel (Philippe Noiret) and has some far-out adventures in Paris. Purr Blur: During an inventive […]

For a Few Dollars More (1965)

Produzioni Europee Associati (PEA) Starring: Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef Directed by: Sergio Leone Synopsis: Monco (Clint Eastwood) and Col. Douglas Mortimer (Lee Van Cleef) are bounty hunters who team up when they realize they are on the trail of the same man. Purr Blur: Near the end of the film, Monco and Col. Mortimer are searching around some […]

Incompresa (2014)

English Title: Misunderstood Wildside Starring: Giulia Salerno, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Gabriel Garko Directed by: Asia Argento Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Aria (Giulia Salerno) is a nine year old girl living in Rome in the 1980’s when her juvenile, self-centered parents decide to divorce, shuffling Aria between them heartlessly as […]

Elementary – “Murder Ex Machina”

Original Air Date: January 21, 2016 Starring: Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu, Betty Gilpin Directed by: Guy Ferland Synopsis: Holmes (Johnny Lee Miller) and Watson (Lucy Liu) investigate the murder of a Russian businessman when the assassins also end up dead in a suspicious car crash. Cat Cattle Call: One of the suspects is computer software expert Fiona Helbron (Betty […]

Runaway (2014)

Music Artist: sElf Synopsis: Cats are featured in this video playing instruments, jumping and doing cat things to music. Featured Felines: Several cats are featured in this video which showcases the cats doing mostly natural cat things, like shedding.  A lot of shedding.  You’ve heard the expression “When the fur flies?”  It flies here!  If you’re allergic to […]

I’m Too Sexy (1992)

Music Artist: Right Said Fred Synopsis: The earworm-inducing music video featuring a repetitive hook and humble guys without shirts. Kitty Cameo: Who can forget this song, even if they try?  But let’s not forget that Fred and Richard Fairbrass are not only too sexy for their shirts, your body and Milan but they’re also too sexy for their […]

Harlem Shuffle (1986)

Music Artist: The Rolling Stones Synopsis: The Rolling Stones’ version of the R&B classic originally written and performed by Bob & Earl. Cartoon Cats: Most original MTV fans will remember this music video which featured several wildly animated cats seeking the attention of a beautiful woman. One main cat pops out and goes after the girl, then turns […]

Reminiscing (1978)

Music Artist: Little River Band Synopsis: A laid back music video for one of The Little River Band’s biggest hit singles in the United States. Purr Blur: This somewhat dated music video is notable for what it doesn’t do . . . illustrate the lyrics to the song.  Far from it.  Instead of showing an older couple happily […]

Mrs. Miniver (1942)

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) Starring: Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Christopher Severn Directed by: William Wyler Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: The story of an English family, the Minivers, coping with the opening months of World War II as seen through the eyes of the lovely and kind matriarch, Mrs. Miniver […]