by Ted Davis and Linda Kay
Starring: Sunbronze Danny Boy
Directed by: Seth Holt
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Statuesque voluptuous beauty Tera (Valerie Leon), an ancient Egyptian Queen, is reincarnated in the person of statuesque voluptuous beauty Margaret Fuchs (Valerie Leon), whose uncontrollable compulsion to reestablish the long dead Tera’s reign results in a considerable amount of bloody mayhem. A bit muddled, but watchable.
Kitty Cameo: Upon entering the flat of her boyfriend Tod Browning (Mark Edwards), Margaret greets his meowing Devon Rex cat with a friendly hello and picks up the feline and carries him into the main room where she remonstrates playfully with Tod that he doesn’t provide enough food for his pet, which should be “gorged and fat and purring.”

For the remainder of the scene, Margaret sits on Tod’s bed, petting the cat and keeping him close beside her.

The movie is permeated with cat imagery in the forms of numerous statues and paintings.

Tod’s cat was listed in the end credits as having been played by Sunbronze Danny Boy, a champion seal point Devon Rex who, while only appearing briefly in the film itself, was the subject of a sexy photo shoot with co-star Valerie Leon.

One photo shows the cat posed on a director’s chair with the name “Puddy” on the back, apparently either a nickname or the name of the cat’s character in the film (or maybe Hammer’s budget couldn’t afford to print the entire name of Sunbronze Danny Boy?)

Final Mewsings: There’s no doubt at all that the cat would agree with Margaret’s assertion that he’s underfed.
Many thanks to Nick Wale and Mark Murton for also letting us know about the cat in this film.
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