Directed by: Earl Hurd
This review contains a Cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warning!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A Pen and Inking cartoon from Bray Studios finds little boy Bobby Bumps training for a fight with a neighborhood bully.
Cartoon Cat: After the bully kicks Bumps’ dog Fido, he challenges the much bigger boy to a fight and loses resoundingly. Bobby then goes to the gym to work out for another match. As Fido is watching Bobby hit the small punching bag, a black cat approaches.

Fido warns the cat that the gym is private and to keep out. The cat responds by punching Fido, then walks away with his nose in the air.

Bobby trounces the bully when they next meet and Fido, who has also been working out, thinks about the cat.

Fido jumps on top of the sleeping cat and they start to fight.

They share punches and then Fido gets the cat into a headlock and starts punching him.

They twirl in a typical cartoon cat and dog fight but in the end the cat slugs Fido and walks away with his nose in the air again.

Catching the cat unaware in the gym, Fido pulls his tail up through the punching bag hole and ties him there.

He then proceed to use the cat as a punching bag until the cat cries, “Enuff!” This time Fido walks away his nose in the air.

Final Mewsings: Someone needs to train Fido not to beat up cats, even if they do hit first!
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