Bobby Bumps’ Pup Gets the Flea-enza (1919)

J.R. Bray Studios
Directed by:
 Earl Hurd

Synopsis: Bobby Bump has protected his pup from getting Influenza by fitting him with a surgical mask.  But when the cat steals the mask the pup comes down sick, then later looks to get revenge.

Bad Kitty: There’s no reason for the cat to steal the mask from the dog except to make the dog sick, so this early animated feline is definitely a bad kitty.

Bobby Bumps' Pup Gets the Flea-enza - cat steals pup's mask

Later when the pup is convalescing he climbs out of bed followed by a long line of what he believes to be germs.

Bobby Bumps' Pup Gets the Flea-enza - pup leads germs to cat

They circle the cat and pounce upon him but turn out not to be flu but fleas!

Bobby Bumps' Pup Gets the Flea-enza - cat has fleas instead of germs

The cat chases the pup and eventually punches him through a window.

Bobby Bumps' Pup Gets the Flea-enza - cat punches pup through window

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t appreciate getting flus or fleas.

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