Born for Hell (1976)

Original Title: Die Hinrichtung

Also Known As: Naked Massacre

Directed by: Denis Héroux

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Loosely based on the Richard Speck murders, an unstable American Vietnam deserter named Cain Adams (Mathieu Carrière) terrorizes a home full of female nurses.

Featured Feline: Living with the women in the house is a cream-colored Persian cat.

Born for Hell - nurse holding cream colored Persian cat with other nurses
Born for Hell - nurse holding cream colored Persian cat while on phone
Born for Hell - nurse holding cream colored Persian cat with other nurses

The cat is included in many scenes with the nurses and has a regular spot on the windowsill in the kitchen.

Born for Hell - nurses at table with cream colored Persian cat in window
Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat

This comes into play when Adams breaks into the house through the kitchen window.

Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat in window as Cain Adams Mathieu Carrière enters home

He pulls the cat back and closes the window before picking up the animal.

Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat held by Cain Adams Mathieu Carrière with knife

Several times Adams picks up and cradles the cat after committing his horrific acts.

Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat held by Cain Adams Mathieu Carrière
Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat on Cain Adams Mathieu Carrière lap with nurse

The cat is an unfortunate witness to the carnage.

Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat on dresser
Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat class=

Adams again picks up the cat and lays down on a bed, not knowing the one victim he missed is hiding beneath.

Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat being picked up by bed

Later the cat is sitting in the window as police and reporters swarm the house.

Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat in window police and reporters swarm home

Near the end of the film, an officer left to guard the home shares his milk with the cat.

Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat with older officer on table
Born for Hell - cream colored Persian cat with older officer offering milk

Final Mewsings: About the only redeeming thing about this movie is that the cat survives.

Many thank to Mark Murton and Wahrhaftig for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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