Bullet to the Head (2012)

Bullet to the Head poster

Dark Castle Entertainment
 Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang
Directed by: Walter Hill

Synopsis: Professional hit man James Bonomo (Sylvester Stallone) and Detective Taylor Kwon (Sung Kang) find themselves working together to take down a mutual enemy.

Purr Blur: At the beginning of the film Bonomo is driving down a dark street with his partner.  A black cat suddenly darts into the road.

Bullet to the Head - black cat running into street

Bullet to the Head - black cat in headlights of car on street

Bonomo swerves to avoid hitting the cat, explaining that it’s bad luck to kill a cat.

Bullet to the Head - black cat in street close

Bullet to the Head - black cat running in front of car in road animated gif

Final Mewsings: Killing a cat is definitely bad luck for the cat!

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