Directed by: Michele Lupo
This review contains a mild Kitty Carnage Warning for Scruffing!
Synopsis: At the end of the Civil War, a soldier named California (Giuliano Gemma) travels the country, picking up a friend, a lover and the anger of some nasty bounty hunters.
Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Near the beginning of the film California is sitting on a walkway, his plate of food getting the attention of a hungry, dirty, small white cat.

California picks up the kitten and starts petting him.

Two other soldiers approach California and asks if he would sell them the cat, seeing as they have not had meat in ages. One of the men even offers his medal in trade.

California looks as if he is going to take the man up on his offer but punches him out instead. He sets the cat down and as the kitty wanders away the other man makes a move forward. California trips the man and sends him sprawling.

Kitty Cameo: Later when California has to deliver bad news to a family, the mother (Dana Ghia) sits holding a tabby and white cat.

Final Mewsings: Postbellum was a hard time for everyone, including cats.
Many thanks to Nick Wale for letting us know about the cats in this film.
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