Original Air Date: December 30, 2012
Directed by: Philippa Lowthorpe
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: With Christmas approaching, Chummy (Miranda Hart) is fretting over the Christmas pageant while Jenny Lee (Jessica Raine) tries to help a mentally lost elderly woman named Mrs. Jenkins (Sheila Reid).
Kitty Cameo: When Jenny visits Mrs. Jenkins makeshift home, she is shocked to see the filthy conditions in which the woman is living. A scan of the room shows dirt and disorder everywhere, as well as a dusty colored cat eating something from a table.

Jenny returns with Sister Evangelina (Pam Ferris) who first tries to be forceful with the unwilling Mrs. Jenkins in order to get the woman’s pulse. After being punched by the unwilling patient, Sister Evangelina tries another method by breaking wind. She lets another rip and tells Jenny to catch it as it heads for the door. “Cat’s got it now,” Mrs. Jenkins states and the cat is shown under a table. This successfully breaks the ice between the nuns and the woman although the cat is not seen again.

Final Mewsings: Cats have no interest in catching farts.
Many thanks to Stevie Holcomb for letting us know about the cat in this episode.
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