Critical Focus Productions
Starring: Jennifer Fraser, Farhang Ghajar
Also Starring: Snorri
Directed by: Nick McAnulty, Brian Allan Stewart
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A found-footage vehicle in which a young man named Farhang (Farhang Ghajar) fantasizes about killing a random stranger with his significant other, Jennifer (Jennifer Fraser), but will only go along so far with her evil intentions.
Featured Feline: Cats are mentioned several times in the film, starting with Jennifer and her mother reminiscing about Jennifer’s early filmmaking and how she dropped a cat from a second story landing to see if it would land on its feet. Jennifer was sure she even filmed the incident but no such footage is seen.
Later Jennifer wakes up Farhang in the middle of the night and takes him outside where she has found a tuxedo-colored Norwegian Forest cat. Jennifer calls the cat and finally catches him.
The cat is docile and Jennifer cuddles and pets him as they take him into their kitchen. Jennifer tells Farhang to fill the sink with water as she continues to pet the cat whom she calls Davy Jones.
Kitty Carnage Warning! Jennifer makes the cat wave goodbye to the camera as she asks Farhang to get a garbage bag, which he reluctantly does. They put the cat into the bag and Jennifer proceeds to drown him in the sink. While the cat appears to struggle and screeches are heard, there is a clear cut between the actual cat and the drowning, making it obvious the cat wasn’t really in the bag. After the drowning, a wet fake cat is barely seen.
Later in the film an unseen woman shows up at the couple’s door at an inopportune time to ask about her lost cat Mittens. Jennifer pretends she hasn’t seen the cat. She later uses the same story to get into the home of someone she is targeting.
Mittens was played by Snorri the cat, who not only survived the experience unscathed but even has his own Instagram page!
Final Mewsings: Another good argument for keeping your cats indoors!
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