Cat and Mouse (1960)

Directed by: Jim Henson

Synopsis: A stylistic animated short by Muppets creator Jim Henson shows a cat chasing a mouse set to jazz music.

Cartoon Cat: This short runs just over a minute and is very simplistic but brilliant at the same time. The plot only entails a cat chasing a mouse.

Cat and Mouse - close up of artistic black cat with green eyes

The artistic way the cat and mouse are drawn, interacting on a dark, abstract background, is fascinating.

Cat and Mouse - of artistic black cat with green eyes watching mouse tracks

Cat and Mouse - of artistic black cat with green eyes watching mouse

It’s really clear from this short alone what a fanciful mind Jim Henson possessed.

Cat and Mouse - artistic black cat with green eyes face to face with scared mouse

Cat and Mouse - artistic black cat with green eyes stalking mouse

Final Mewsings: Cats are great subjects for artistic genius.

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