Directed by: Kirk Henderson
This review contains cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warnings!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Aging Cat and Mouse cartoon stars (both voiced by Gregory Mark Lewis) relive some of the glory days when they used to beat the crap out of each other on screen.
Cartoon Cat: The setting is a retirement home for cartoon actors. The aged Cat complains about his back as he and Mouse play gin. Mouse insists it is Cat’s posture but Cat says it happened when Mouse plugged him into a toaster in 1947.

Cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warnings! Mouse complains about how soft cartoons have become and Cat suggests they were too violent. This doesn’t stop Mouse from hitting Cat with a mallet and Cat hitting Mouse with a board.

Mouse then shoves a bomb into Cat’s mouth.

The pair then start chasing each other around the home in their wheelchairs, pausing only when they get out of breath.

At one point they pass a Bulldog who is tottering feebly with a walker. Cat remembers when the Dog used to beat him up and runs him over with his wheelchair several times.

Mouse then puts a string across a stairway and Cat’s head is cut off when he runs through it.

Cat corners Mouse in the kitchen where Mouse says he’s having a heart attack. Cat asks if he wants to stop and Mouse says no then plugs Cat into the toaster. “I haven’t had this much fun in years!” Mouse laughs.

Final Mewsings: Cartoon characters never outgrow their violent tendencies.
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