Cat Concert (1986)

Original Title: Кошачий концерт

Directed by: Vladimir Kadukhin

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A group of cats gather to sing on a rooftop but are interrupted by the noise of people all around them in this animated short from the Soviet Union.

Cartoon Cats: A black and white cat prepares to conduct the chorus.

Cat Chorus - Кошачий концерт - black and white cartoon cat

A yellow and brown cat preens then joins the maestro.

Cat Chorus - Кошачий концерт - yellow and brown cartoon cat looking at ice mirror

They are joined by a green cat.

Cat Chorus - Кошачий концерт - black and white, yellow and brown and green cartoon cats sitting on rooftop

A tabby appears with a fish.

Cat Chorus - Кошачий концерт - tabby cartoon cat with fish in mouth looking out window

After eating the fish down to the bone, the tabby is ready to join the others.

Cat Chorus - Кошачий концерт - tabby cartoon cat on rooftop with fish bone

The cats begin to sing but are drowned out by a woman beating a rug.

Cat Chorus - Кошачий концерт - cartoon cats singing on rooftop

Each time they attempt to sing, more noises from people in the surrounding apartments drown them out.

Cat Chorus - Кошачий концерт - cartoon cats looking scared

Final Mewsings: Pretty soon cats will have to start throwing things at people!

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