Cat Run (2011)

Cat Run poster

Lleju Productions
 Scott Mechlowicz, Alphonso McAuley
Directed by: John Stockwell

Synopsis: Two amateur detectives named Anthony (Scott Mechlowicz) and Julian (Alphonso McAuley) get caught up in a world of international intrigue and professional assassins when they decide to look for a missing woman.

Purr Blur: As Julian explains his idea to start a detective agency to Anthony, they are walking down a dark street. A multi-colored cat scurries past and runs ahead of them before disappearing.

Cat Run - multi-colored cat running ahead of Anthony Scott Mechlowicz and Julian Alphonso McAuley on dark street

Cat Run - multi-colored cat running ahead of Anthony Scott Mechlowicz and Julian Alphonso McAuley on dark street

Final Mewsings: At least there was actually a cat running in the movie!

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