A gorgeous black cat is on hand to provide clues in this suspenseful British drama reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.
Hotel Splendide (1932)

A gorgeous black cat is on hand to provide clues in this suspenseful British drama reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.
A ginger tabby cat hangs around the office of Congressional member Charlie Wilson in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A dancer receives infusions from a cat and becomes a dangerous hybrid in this thriller reviewed by Mark Murton and Linda Kay.
Directed by: Edwin L. Marin Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: June (Maureen O’Sullivan) and Tommy (Dennis O’Keefe) are both poor suitors who happen to think the other is wealthy, which leads to some crazy misadventures. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The couple decide to go to […]