Purr Blur! A small bicolor cat makes an extremely brief appearance in the opening scene of this Harry Palmer series entry reviewed by Linda Kay.
Billion Dollar Brain (1967)

Purr Blur! A small bicolor cat makes an extremely brief appearance in the opening scene of this Harry Palmer series entry reviewed by Linda Kay.
A longhair white cat gets caught up in some yarn and is then forgotten for Rin Tin Tin in this silent adventure reviewed by Ted Davis.
A couple of tuxedo cats (or the same cat in two different places?) make brief Kitty Cameos in this mystery reviewed by Linda Kay.
A longhair tabby cat named Winifred is dragged along into a suicide pact in this dark comedy reviewed by Mark Murton.
A longhair white cat appears to be a permanent resident of a local bar in this episode reviewed by Linda Kay.
A homeless man named Gus seems to be trying to help feral cats in a couple of brief moments from this film reviewed by Brian H.
A longhair black cat named plays a pivotal role in this Spanish horror film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A longhair black cat named Buster is the loved pet owned by a reckless explorer in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
A longhair black cat pulls a Spring-Loaded cat moment on Laura Ingalls in this episode reviewed by Linda Kay.
A ginger Persian tabby cat makes a couple of brief appearances in this horror film reviewed by Mark Murton.