A heartbreaking French animated short film about a family of porcelain cats who are literally broken up. Reviewed by Linda Kay.
Trois petits chats (2003)

A heartbreaking French animated short film about a family of porcelain cats who are literally broken up. Reviewed by Linda Kay.
Three different cats appear briefly in this silent short documentary film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A black cat makes a very brief couple of appearances at the beginning of this horror film reviewed by Linda Kay.
An adorable calico kitten is treated rather poorly by a jealous housekeeper in this Chilean film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blur! A cat in a drainpipe startles a man in this low beach horror movie hybrid reviewed by Mark Murton.
An adorable white kitty named Romoletto is the beloved pet of a daydreaming clerk in this Italian comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
A lovely Siamese cat accidentally lets the cat out of the bag about a man being recorded in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.
Several tabby cats are seen lounging around the Egyptian palace in this elaborate Michael Jackson music video reviewed by Mark Murton.
A tabby kitten is cradled gently by new Heavyweight Champion Max Schmeling in this British Pathe newsreel segment reviewed by Linda Kay.
A Siamese cat named Caesar can barely by seen (due to the dark photography) in much of this Troma horror film reviewed by Linda Kay.