Purr Blur! A black cat is startled by an excited inventor in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
The Magic Box (1951)

Purr Blur! A black cat is startled by an excited inventor in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A black cat becomes the unfortunate victim of a Kitty Carnage Warning in this violent drama reviewed by Mark Murton.
A gangster is excited to meet a ginger tabby cat but it doesn’t prevent the man from coming to a bad end in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis.
Several cats have an important presence in this animated feature reviewed by Linda Kay.
A couple of obsessive kids decide to give their cat a bath, which of course the cat is not keen about, in this short film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A cream colored Persian cat is a repeated image in this Italian film based on the comic strip Valentina. Reviewed by Mark Murton.
A Swedish investigator is put off by a boxful of kittens which says a lot about his character in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A tabby cat briefly causes concern for several people in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A tabby and grey cat belongs to a mysterious woman who tries to explain the plot of this ponderous film, reviewed here by Linda Kay.
A mama tuxedo cat and her kittens are featured in this episode reviewed by Mark Murton.