A white cat is one of the family members rarely seen in this classic film, reviewed by Linda Kay.
Jean de Florette (1986)

A white cat is one of the family members rarely seen in this classic film, reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A black cat is part of the opening establishing shots of London in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A longhair white cat shows little interest in playing with Ann-Margret in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Tony promises to cat sit for a brown tabby cat named Fiorello who lives in the Bronx in this episode reviewed by Linda Kay.
A cat becomes all the instruments for Oswald the Lucky Rabbit’s Paul Whiteman tribute band in this animated short reviewed by Linda Kay.
A black cat witnesses the incompetence of a couple of bumbling smugglers in this Russian comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
A dancer receives infusions from a cat and becomes a dangerous hybrid in this thriller reviewed by Mark Murton and Linda Kay.
A ginger and white tabby cat named Oscar changes appearance but apparently survives this sexploitation film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A black cat shows no interest in chasing after multiple rats on a ship in this inventive film reviewed by Ted Davis.
A brown tabby cat makes an appearance just long enough to justify some bad pussy jokes in this sex comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.