A ginger tabby cat named Clemence makes a couple of very brief Kitty Cameos in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Tara Road (2005)

A ginger tabby cat named Clemence makes a couple of very brief Kitty Cameos in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A tabby cat named Pancho listens in to a conversation between Cesar Romero and . . . Cesar Romero! . . . in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
A stray kitten found by Big Bird and Gina brings Maria and Luis closer together in this adorable episode reviewed by Linda Kay.
A woman leaves her job, home and cat to find peace in a convent in this made-for-TV drama reviewed by Ted Davis.
Purr Blur! A tabby and white lap cat makes a brief appearance in this drama reviewed by Ted Davis.
An orange and white tabby cat named Ginger is the family pet who can’t escape the evil tormenting the family in this made-for-TV movie reviewed by Mark Murton.
A tabby and white cat hears a burglar and immediately sees a chance to get some food in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A ginger and white tabby cat tries to break into Bob Hope’s act in this comedy reviewed by Ted Davis.
Purr Blur! A tabby cat ducks for cover in this action sequel reviewed by Linda Kay.
A tabby cat beats a hasty retreat at the approach of a crazed killer in an opening scene of this film reviewed by Ted Davis.