A tabby cat has the sense to run away from a crazed killer in this Sherlock Holmes film reviewed by Ted Davis.
The Pearl of Death (1944)

A tabby cat has the sense to run away from a crazed killer in this Sherlock Holmes film reviewed by Ted Davis.
A ginger tabby cat is recruited as a mouser in a bookstore in this horror film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A one-eyed ginger tabby cat named Stipe became a hit in this music video by Baby Lasagna. Reviewed by Linda Kay.
A brown and white tabby cat accompanies Danny as he climbs on the roof of a girls’ school dorm in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A ginger tabby cat acts as the emotional support animal for a nervous sister in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis.
A longhair tabby cat poses next to a dustbin in this British Pathe newsreel segment reviewed by Linda Kay.
A ginger and white tabby cat is held against their will in this bad horror movie reviewed by Linda Kay.
A grey and white tabby kitten is surprised to be thrown at a dog but later receive pets in this Italian film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A couple of cats are briefly shown as potential test subjects for nasty psychic experiments in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Several tabby cats are seen lounging around the Egyptian palace in this elaborate Michael Jackson music video reviewed by Mark Murton.