Several cats are seen throughout this British comedy film reviewed by Linda Kay.
In the Doghouse (1956)

Several cats are seen throughout this British comedy film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A Siamese cat appears in a couple of scenes with the great Danny Kaye in this comedy film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A black cat named Gris Gris is the beloved pet who goes missing in this charming French comedy reviewed by Mark Murton and Linda Kay.
Two adorable black cartoon cats are used by ghosts to torture Olive Oyl in this animated short reviewed by Linda Kay.
A black cat scrounging for food in the trash scares Donald Duck with some sound effects in this Disney animated short reviewed by Linda Kay.
A couple of tuxedo cats (or the same cat in two different places?) make brief Kitty Cameos in this mystery reviewed by Linda Kay.
A longhair tabby cat named Winifred is dragged along into a suicide pact in this dark comedy reviewed by Mark Murton.
A beautiful white cat is transformed into a scary costumed character in this Mexican version of the classic tale reviewed by Mark Murton.
A tuxedo cat magically transforms into an animated black cat through the magic of movie making in this short silent comedy reviewed by Ted Davis.
Purr Blur! A tabby cat can just barely be seen emerging from behind a hay pile in a scene from this crime drama reviewed by Mark Murton.