Purr Blurs! There are two very quick instances of actual cats in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
The Kid Detective (2020)

Purr Blurs! There are two very quick instances of actual cats in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A black cat helps Bimbo and Harold move Betty Boop’s household in this animated short reviewed by Linda Kay.
A tabby and white cat has issues with a dog in a very brief, bizarre moment from this pre-Code comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
Poor Claude Cat is driven to murderous attempts by the loud Frisky Puppy in this Looney Tunes short reviewed by Linda Kay.
A tuxedo cat is too busy eating to even look at the camera during a panning shot in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Numerous cats occupy the home of an elderly cat lady in this quirky romantic comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A dark tabby or tortoiseshell cat has a snack in a quick shot from this British comedy reviewed by Mark Murton.
A ginger tabby cat avoids being kicked by an angry janitor in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A town of cats tries to adapt to the idea of having a dog act as their Samurai in this animated feature reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A black cat can be seen preening on a windowsill in an establishing show of this comedy reviewed by Mark Murton.